Writing Courses

The following are a selection of writing and rhetoric courses I took at CSU. Some entries include work samples.
Please click on the subheadings below to expand each section.

CO 150: College Composition

Course Description
Instructor: Mitchell Macrae
Course involved "understanding and writing for rhetorical situations; critical reading and response; writing source-based argument for academic and public audiences."1 Course work involved writing essays for scholarly and popular audiences, as well as preparing a group presentation.

1. "AA-CT" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

CO 301A: Writing in the Disciplines - Arts and Humanities

Course Description
Instructor: Rebecca Kennedy
Course involved "learning writing strategies for addressing general audiences" in the arts and humanities1. Course work involved writing essays, travel writing, and opinion pieces.

1. "AA-CT" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 210: Beginning Creative Writing

Course Description
Instructor: Jeana Burton
This course focused on "basic techniques of writing fiction and poetry; may include some elements of drama"2

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 311A: Intermediate Creative Writing - Fiction

Course Description
Instructor: David Milofsky
This course focused on "group discussion of student writing, literary models, and theory; emphasis on developing individual style."2 Course work involved writing short stories and peer workshops.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 412A: Creative Writing Workshop - Fiction

Course Description
Instructor: Leslie Becker
This course focused on producing "individual projects with group discussion and analysis" through peer workshops."2

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)
Work Sample
Download: E 412A Work Sample

E 305: Principles of Writing and Rhetoric

Course Description
Instructor: Sarah Sloan
This course was a "humanities-based exploration of central principles of rhetoric in written communication."2 Readings provided a historical overview of rhetorical theory through original documents, ranging from pre-Artitotlian to late-20th-Century rhetoric.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 487B: Literary Editing Internship

Course Description
Supervising Faculty: Judy Doenges
This intership was working to produce the 2013 edition of Greyrock Review, CSU's undergraduate literary jounral, for which I was the head non-fiction editor. The internship involved soliciting submissions, fundraising, proofreading, and other publishing concerns. We began with a debt from last year's team, published on time and under budget, and left a $800 surplus.

E 637: History of Writing

Course Description
Instructor: Lisa Langstraat
This graduate course involved the study of "writing systems across time, cultures, and varied constructions of author, text, audience, social context, technology"2. My research for this course focused on the evolution of science fiction and its classification as "low" culture.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)
Work Sample
Download: E 637 Work Sample

ECOL 592: Interdisciplary Seminar in Ecology

Course Description
Instructor: Tom Stohlgren
This course was also known as "Judicious Sentencing." It was designed to help graduate students with sentence, paragraph, and paper structure as they work toward writing their thesis. Course work involved analyzing published works and proposing revisions to enhance the piece's clarity.