Literature Courses

The following are a selection of literature courses I took at Front Range Community College and CSU. Some entries include work samples.
Please click on the subheadings below to expand each section.

LIT 201: Masterpieces of Literature I

Course Description
Instructor: Christine Smith
This course "examined significant writings in world literature from the ancients through the Renaissance, emphasizing careful readings and understanding of the works and their cultural backgrounds."1

1. "Literature Courses" Common Course Numbering System (Denver, Colorado: Colorado Community College Common Courses, 2012)

Lit 202: Masterpieces of Literature II

Course Description
Instructor: Jayni Breaux
This course examined "significant writings in world literature from the seventeenth century to the present, emphasizing careful reading and understanding of the works and their cultural backgrounds"1. Course work involved writing essays, travel writing, and opinion pieces.

1. "Literature Courses" Common Course Numbering System (Denver, Colorado: Colorado Community College Common Courses, 2012)

E 238: 20th Century Fiction

Course Description
Instructor: Sharon Grindle
This course involved the study of "20th-century fiction chosen for its relevance to global and cultural awareness."2 Texts studied included graphic novels, American fiction, and novels from Indian- and Pakistani-born authors.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 240: Introduction to Poetry

Course Description
Instructor: Chloe Leisure
This course focused on "development of critical skills necessary to understand and enjoy poetry"2 Course work involved writing short stories and peer workshops.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 270: Introduction to American Literature

Course Description
Instructor: Rebecca Kennedy
This course focused on the "history and development of American writings from 16th-century travel narratives through early 20th-century modernism"2 Texts included travel writing, novels, poems, and plays.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 277: Survey or British Literature II

Course Description
Instructor: Rebeca Kennedy
This course focused on "British literature from the Romantics to the present in relation to its historical contexts"2 Texts included novels, poems, and plays.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 337: Western Mythology

Course Description
Instructor: Dan Beachy-Quick
This course focused on "major themes in western myth: classical, Biblical, and Germanic."2 Particular attention was given to Greek plays, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and fairy tales.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 341: Principles of Literary Criticism

Course Description
Instructor: Debby Thompson
This course focused on the "theory and practice of modern literary analysis and evaluation; writing about literature"2 This course provided and overview of the principles and applications of various school of critical theory, ranging from New Criticism to Marxism to Postcolonialism

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 343: Shakespeare II

Course Description
Instructor: Barbara Sebek
This course focused on "Shakespeare’s development as a poet and dramatist after Hamlet."2 This work involved close readings of Shakespeare's work, applying scholarly articles to primary texts, and some etymological research.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)
Work Sample
Download: E 343 Work Sample

E 350: The Gothic in Literature and Film

Course Description
Instructor: Ellen Brinks
This course focused on an "interdisciplinary, cross-cultural approach to gothic works from the 18th to the 20th centuries."2 Course work involved critically reading Gothic texts, which included novels, short stories, poems, and films, as well as various critical theory articles.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 405: Adolescents' Literature

Course Description
Instructor: Antero Garcia
This course focused on a "survey of literature for adolescents emphasizing development of critical ability, appreciation, and taste."2 Course work critical analyses of adolescent literature and the adolescent literature industry, including employing feminist and critical race theory lenses.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)
Work Sample

E 428: Postcolonial Literature

Course Description
Instructor: Ellen Brinks
This course involved "selected readings in postcolonial literatures and theory."2 Course readings included colonial text, postcolonial texts, and scholarly articles.

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)
Work Sample
Download: E 428 Work Sample

E 432: 20th Century British Fiction

Course Description
Instructor: David Milofsky
This course focused on "British fiction from Conrad to the present emphasizing Joyce, Lawrence, Forster, Woolf, and Beckett."2

2. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013)

E 465: Fiction and 9/11 - Aesthetics and Politics

Course Description
Instructor: Judy Doenges
This course focused on fiction and non-fiction relating to the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. Course readings included several novels, non-fiction articles, historical texts, and the 9/11 Commission Report.

E 630A: Germanic Mythology

Course Description
Instructor: William Marvin
This graduate course focused the myths and culture of the Germanic tribes of Europe, particularly during the Migration Period. My research for this course focused on the Proto-Indo-European theory and particularly the varying Indo-European homeland hypotheses.
Work Sample

E 630A: Keats and Celan

Course Description
Instructor: Dan Beachy-Quick
This graduate course focused the poetry of John Keats and Paul Celan. In addition to reading their poetry, we read other documents (such as Keats' biography and letters and Giorgio Agamben's Remnants of Auschwitz) to better understand the personal and historical contexts that surrounded their poems. My work for this course involved designing a rationale for teaching John Keats' "Hyperion: A Fragment" alongside Hayao Miyazaki's graphic novel series Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
Work Sample

E 630B: Image and Word

Course Description
Instructor: Aparna Gollapudi
This graduate course focused the theory and function of images and paratexts within a variety literature, including classic literature, picture books, and comics. My research for this course focused on comics' potential within secondary education.
Work Sample