Education Courses

The following are a selection of education courses I took at CSU. Some entries include work samples.
Please click on the subheadings below to expand each section.

EDUC 275: Schooling in the United States

Course Description
Instructor: Casey Vavrina
Course involved exploring "social, political, historical, and economic forces that shape U.S. system of public schooling."1 Course work involved readings on contemporary issues in education, examining the purposes of education, and group presentations.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 27.
Work Sample

EDUC 331: Educational Technology and Assessment

Course Description
Instructor: Julianna Seale
Course involved teaching "skills and strategies for the use of appropriate technology and assessment in teacher education.1.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 27.
Work Sample

EDUC 340: Literacy and the Learner

Course Description
Instructor: Jan Seahorn
This course focused on students "understanding and supporting literacy and numeracy development.” including through “field and service learning experience."1 Course work involved readings on contemporary issues in education, examining the purposes of education, and group presentations.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 27.
Work Sample

EDUC 350: Instruction I - Individualization and Management

Course Description
Instructor: Ryan MacTaggert and Derek Decker
This course focused on students "understanding and supporting literacy and numeracy development.” including through “field and service learning experience."1 Course work involved readings on contemporary issues in education, examining the purposes of education, and group presentations.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 27.
Work Sample

EDUC 450: Instruction II - Standards and Assessment

Course Description
Instructor: Trish Englehardt
Course involved "Theory, research, and practice of standards-based instruction: assessment, literacy and technology. Included work in public schools."1 Course work involved readings on contemporary issues in education, examining the purposes of education, and group presentations.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 27.
Work Sample

EDUC 463: Methods - Teaching Language Arts

Course Description
Instructor: Pam Coke
Course involved constucting yearlong plan, unit plans, and other methods for effective instruction in the secondary language arts classroom. My work for this course focused on constructing a yearlong plan, unit outlines, and a rationale for my course "Science Fiction and the STEM Fields."

Work Sample
For this course, I built a website for the class I am designing as part of the final project of my master's. This website contains both a yearlong plan for the course and a detailed example unit plan. It is called "Science Fiction and the STEM Fields" and the website I desinged can be found at

E 322: English Language for Teachers 1

Course Description
Instructor: Pam Coke
Course invovled "Foundations of language structure, emphasizing grammar, sounds, spelling, word structure, linguistic variation, usage, acquisition, and pedagogy"1. Course work included designing scope and sequence project covering 2-4 weeks of langugae instruction related to both reading and writing.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 4.
Work Sample

E 401: Teaching Reading

Course Description
Instructor: Pam Coke
Course invovled "theory and pedagogy for understanding, interpreting, and evaluating print and visual texts"1 Course work included designing lesson plans for teaching an entire novel, as well as designing lessons and assessment for close reading instruction.

1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 5.
Work Sample

Download: E 401 Work Sample

E 402: Teaching Composition

Course Description
Instructor: Paul De Maret
This course focused on the "theory and practice of the analysis and the teaching of writing."1 Course work included evaluating and responding to student writing, creating a coherent assignment sequence, and conducting a teaching practicum for our peers.
1. "D-HES" Course Catalog 2013-2014 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University, 2013), 5.

E 607A: Teaching Writing - Rhetoric and Composition

Course Description
Instructor: Lisa Langstraat
This course involved ongoing instruction in rhetorical and pedagogical theory to support graduate teaching assistant's as they taught CO 150: College Composition.

E 632: Professional Concerns in English - Enacting Critical Literacies

Course Description

Instructor: Antero Garcia
This course examined issues and pedagogy related to teaching critical literacy at the secondary level as a form of social action. Course work involved designing a research project and submitting an IRB protocol, as well as constructing a class-wide annotated bibliography.