Paul Binkley
Lovelandh, CO 80538

Objective:  English language arts teacher, with experience ranging from 6th grade to college, seeking ongoing opportunities where I can help expand students’ access to post-secondary education and support learning across the curriculum.


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Master of Arts – English Education, May 2016
M.A. Project and Research: “Science Fiction and the STEM Fields”

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Bachelor of Arts - English (Creative Writing Concentration), May 2013

Poudre High School, Fort Collins, CO
High School Diploma, May 2007


Colorado Professional Teacher's License, English Language Arts Endorsement

Teaching Experience:

Language Arts Teacher at Thompson Valley High School, Thompson School District R2-J
August 2021 to Present
I have taught concurrent enrollment College Composition courses, freshmen English, American Literature, and a Mythology and Science Fiction course. In the past, I also taught a concurrent enrollment Introduction to Literature course. My concurrent enrollment work is associated with Front Range Community College in Fort Collins. I am one of our school’s associate representatives for the Thompson Education Association.
Evaluator: Tia Rew

Language Arts Teacher at Fort Morgan High School, Morgan County School District Re-3
August 2017 to May 2021 (Non-probationary as of 2020-2021 school year)
English Department Chair August 2018 to May 2021
Associate Representative for the Fort Morgan Education Association September 2020 to May 2021
I taught 10th, 11th, and 12th grade language arts as well as English Composition: a concurrent-enrollment course. As part of teaching concurrent enrollment, I was a part-time adjust instructor at Morgan Community College. In 2019, I piloted a capstone program for our school. I have experience teaching remote-learning classes using a variety of online tools. I was also a mentor for four new English teachers in my time at FMHS.

Pre-Collegiate Program Instructor, University of Colorado
Summer 2018
I taught a two-week College Composition course as part of CU's rural outreach program, which involved first-generation students attending college for two weeks (including taking a full load of classes and staying in the dorms).

Long-Term Substitute Teacher at Weld Central Middle School, Weld RE3J School District
March 2017 to May 2017
I taught 6 sections of language arts (6th-8th grade) and one section of 6th grade leadership. This long-term position involved taking over all teaching responsibilities, including planning and assessment.

Student Teacher at Thompson Valley High School, Thompson School District
August 2016 to December 2016
Team taught two sections of English 9, two sections of 11th grade American Literature, and one section of RISE (advisory class). Created a 9th grade unit plan on ecocriticism applied to a young adult novel,  conduct formative and summative assessments, and assisted in the transition to Competency-Based Education (i.e. Standards-Based Grading) and development of Literacy Design Collaborative rubrics.
Through the course of my 9th grade unit, students' writing scores moved from an average of a 1.62 to a 2.44(Δ = +0.82), as assessed by an LDC competency-based rubric.
Cooperating Teachers: Christy Goldberg and Loris Osier

Student Teacher at Bill Reed Middle School, Thompson School District
January 2016 to February 2016
Taught 4 sections of 6th Grade Literacy at an integrated school of the arts. Provided classroom and individual instruction, designed lesson plans, conduct formative and summative assessments, taught life skills, and participated in the Colorado Education Initiative’s Common Assignment Study and development of Literacy Design Collaborative rubrics.

Library Graduate Teaching Assistant at Colorado State University
September 2015 to December 2015
Taught 17 library research sessions instructing students from undergraduate composition courses how to utilize the library resources and databases.
Supervising faculty: Brian Erb and Mary Seaman

Graduate Teaching Assistantship at Colorado State University
August 2013 to May 2015
Teacher of record for six sections of College Composition at CSU. Provided classroom and individual instruction, created and adapted lesson plans and materials, and responded to and evaluated students writing. Throughout each semester, I saw growth in student’s writing and research skills, particularly their skills for viewing writing as a recursive and rhetorical practice.
Supervising faculty: Sarah Sloane and Lisa Langstraat

Writing Consultant at CSU Writing Center
January 2014 to May 2014
Engaged in collaborative sessions with CSU students to help workshop pieces of writing and build stronger writing and editing practices. The majority of Writing Center clients are non-native English speakers.
Supervising faculty: Megan Lemming and Tobi Jacobi

Field Experience:

  • Substitute Teacher in Thompson School District (October 2016-March 2017) and Poudre School District (January 2017-March 2017)

  • Private tutor for high school student enrolled in College Composition (Fall 2016)

  • Rocky Mountain High School (teaching assistant - Fall 2015 and Summer 2014)

  • Blevins Middle School (teaching assistant and AVID tutor - Fall 2013 and Fall 2015)

  • Boys and Girls Club of Larimer County (reading partner - Summer 2014

  • Conducted research studying students' interests at a STEM-focused middle school

Other Work Experience:

Assistant Manager at Wolverine Farm Publishing and Bookstore
November 2007 to August 2013
Trained and supervised volunteer staff, participated in fundraising, managed online inventory, and provided customer service
Supervisors: Beth Kopp and Todd Simmons


  • Teacher of the Month - Fort Morgan High School, March 2019

  • Distinction on M.A. Project for “Science Fiction and the STEM Fields,” 2015

  • Outstanding Graduate Writing in Composition, Rhetoric, & Literacy – 1st Place, 2015

  • James J. Garvey Graduate English Scholarship, 2015-2016


  • National Education Association - Member September 2016-Present

  • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) – Member, July 2014-Present

  • NCTE@CSU – Secretary, May 2015-January 2015

  • Graduate Student Council – English Department Representative, March 2015-January 2016

  • Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society) – Member, February 2013-Present

  • Greyrock Review Literary Internship – Non-Fiction Editor, August 2012-May 2013


  • Seeking publication in English Journal

  • “Dedication Page” – Greyrock Review, 2013

  • “The Case for Comics” – Matterhorn, Fall 2012

  • Proofread The Battle of the Black Hills by Professor Tom Stohlgren


  • Student-selected Faculty Speaker at Thompson Valley High School’s 2024 Commencement

  • Panelist on CSU's "Co-Teaching Expert" Panel, December 2016

  • “Using Science Fiction as a Tool for Interdisciplinary Learning and Privileging Students' Identities" - The Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, November 2016

  • “Strange New Worlds: Using Science Fiction to Engaging Students in Interdisciplinary Learning” – NCTE@CSU’s Literacy Through Pop Culture Conference, April 2016

  • "A Bridge Between Worlds: Interdisciplinary Learning with Fantasy and Science Fiction” – The Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, February 2016

  • Poster presentations at CSU’s Graduate Showcase, February 2015 and November 2015

  • M.A. research presentation at English education brown bag meeting, November 2015