About Paul

I was born in Fort Collins, Colorado and I lived there most my life. I grew up with a love of writing, drawing, Legos, all things science fiction, and (a in a sometimes complicated relationship) reading. I went through years of wanting to grow up to do any number of different things, but they all involved people and stories.  I love to tell and hear stories, and I love working with people. I eventually found a great combination of those two interests in pursuing English and education.

I had my ups and downs as a student, but thanks to the investment of a few special teachers, and the patient balance of force and support from my parents, I got on track and graduated high school. Not wanting to stray far from my hometown, I enrolled in college at CSU. There I was able to really indulge in my passions and I received an English degree with a concentration in creative writing. It was at CSU that I really gained a love of learning. By the time I was about to graduate, I knew I didn't want to stop being in school or stop learning. While there would have been cheaper ways to solve that problem, I decided graduate school sounded perfect for me, and I returned to CSU the following semester to pursue a master's in English education. For more information about my education, please refer to the Education page.

In graduate school I was able to reunite with some of my childhood passions, specifically science fiction, as I set out to craft a class for the final project of my master's degree. This class is called "Science Fiction and the STEM Fields." It is a literature class designed to bridge disciplines that sometime feel far apart by using science fiction to build science literacy and using a scientific mindset to enhance students’ fiction and non-fiction literacy skills. To support the rationale for this course, I conducted research at a STEM-focused middle school. I also received a graduate teaching assistant position, which (despite its name) involved teaching two of my own sections of CO 150: College Composition each semester.

After I graduated, I taught in a variety of contexts, ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. I worked as both a daily and a long-term substitute teacher before I began teaching full time at Fort Morgan High School. I taught 10th, 11th, and 12th grade language arts as well as a concurrent enrollment College Composition course. I was the Chair of the English Department for three years.

Since then, I have been working at Thompson Valley High School, where I have taught 9th Grade English, American Literature, Mythology and Science Fiction, and two concurrent enrollment courses through Front Range Community College: Introduction to Literature and College Composition.

I have been a member of Sigma Tau Delta (the English Honor Society) since spring 2013, a member of the National Council of Teachers of English since summer 2014, and a member of the Colorado Education Association since fall of 2016.

Hobbies and Other Interests

With my Adviser, Dr. Pam Coke

With my Adviser, Dr. Pam Coke

Many of my hobbies, such as writing (fiction, non-fiction, and academic), reading, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and playing video games tie into my love of stories. Some of my other hobbies include biking, hiking, making costumes, and drawing. I also include recording short stories to share with my friends and other audio projects. I am married, and I am the proud (co)owner of two Pembroke Welsh corgis: Fili and Kili.

Honors and Awards

  • Teacher of the Month, Fort Morgan High School - March 2019

  • Distinction on M.A. Project for "Science Fiction and the STEM Fields" - 2015

  • Graduate Teaching Assistantship - 2013-2015

  • James J. Garvey Graduate English Language Scholarship - 2015-2016

  • Outstanding Graduate Writing Award in Composition, Rhetoric, & Literacy: 1st Place - 2015